This project involves construction of a non-motorized shared-use path along the Pacific Hwy S corridor from S 308th St to S 288th St. The non-motorized improvements will consist of a path/trail that for portions of the alignment will follow parallel to Pacific Highway S and for portions of the alignment will be located within the (partially unopened) right-of-way for 16th Ave S. The segments of the trail located off-roadway will include pedestrian-scale illumination for safety.
Once constructed, this path will provide non-motorized access to the City of Federal Way's City Center, as well as to Des Moines' local downtown center, located north of the project limits. This project will also eventually tie into the greater regional trail network with connections to Kent, Auburn, SeaTac, and beyond.
Design of the proposed improvements is continuing.
This project will be constructed in two phases.
- Phase 1 will be from S 304th Street to S Dash Point Road.
- Phase 2 will be from S 308th St to S 304th St AND from S Dash Point Road to S 288th St.
Construction of Phase 1 has been awarded to Active Construction, Inc. of Puyallup. Construction is underway and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2025.
Construction of Phase 2 is expected to begin in the spring of 2026.
Neighborhood meetings were held in August 2020 with property owners located within 300' of the proposed project. These neighborhood meetings were broken into three groups: commercial/non-residential properties, residential properties located north of S Dash Point Rd, and residential properties located south of S Dash Point Rd. The City received some great feedback from these property owners and used this feedback in moving forward with the design.
POSTCARD - April 2021 Open House Mailer - English or Korean or Spanish
OPEN HOUSE PRESENTATION (SLIDESHOW) - Click HERE for a PDF copy of the graphics and slides presented during the Open House.
OPEN HOUSE PRESENTATION (VIDEO) - Click HERE to view the recorded Open House. The video is approximately 45-50 minutes in duration.
QUESTIONS / COMMENTS - The City has prepared written responses to questions/comments that were sent to the City as follow up to the Open House. The City responses are located HERE.