Town Center

In November of 2014, the Mayor and City Council voted for the acquisition of a 7.48 acre parcel adjacent to the soon to be developed Performing Arts and Conference Center in downtown. In addition, the City acquired property for a park site. Combined with the Federal Way Transit Center, there are 21 acres to create growth and revitalization of Federal Way’s downtown. This is now known as the Town Center.

The effort envisions a dense mix of uses featuring a conference hotel for the Performing Arts and Conference Center along with housing, educational/classroom space, specialty retail, civic uses and open space. A theme for the Town Center consists of encouraging strategic investment in a compact environment that contains a variety of uses and creates a unique sense of place.

The City began the process in 2007 with the acquisition of 4 acres currently known as Town Center -2. The City previously issued a Request for Proposal for the site however, due to the Great Recession; the development opportunities presented during this time were impacted by tight capital markets. However, during the interim, it was used as a park site. The interim use had a very positive impact on the community and now it has been transformed to the Town Square Park.

Town Center MAP

Additionally, after many years of community discussion, the City acquired another 5 acre site for the development of the $32.7 million Performing Arts and Conference Center. The development of this project was approved by the Mayor and City Council in June 2014. This site is known as Town Center-1. The City broke ground on this facility in October 2015. The facility opened in August 2017.

Meanwhile, in November 2014, the mayor and City Council approved the acquisition of another 7.48 acres of property adjacent to the Town Center-1 known as Town Center-3. Based upon the interests of the mayor and City Council, noteworthy opportunities include development of the following; a conference hotel including conference and ballroom space, along with a bar and restaurant space adjacent to the performing arts and convention facility. Additionally the City is looking for office, specialty retail, market rate housing, space for arts and entertainment including galleries, studios, museums, educational/classroom space, specifically for a culinary arts institute which will support the performing arts and conference facility. Also included is childcare facility. Additionally, Federal Way is working to recruit a four-year university for a branch campus in the city center to serve the growing higher education needs of the community and South King County.

Discover Downtown Federal Way Website

Downtown Federal Way is 414 acres in size with over 2.5 million square feet of retail space. There are over 350 business comprised of  34 of the Top 100 National Retailers and 17 of the Top 100 Hottest National Retailers by Percentage of Growth as identified by the National Retail Federation.

Market Overview Conditions and Considerations: A Review of Infrastructure and Utility Services Potential Opportunities. Combined the information provides a wide array of information for business and Property owners, developers and investors.  It also provides insight for a broad audience of local residents and those Curious about Downtown Federal Way, its growth and future potential.  Click on the image below  to the Downtown Federal Way website that provides information on the following:

City Center Planned Action

The City of Federal Way first conducted an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2006, for the Planned Action area (a majority of the City Center) pursuant to the Planned Action provisions of SEPA. The 2006 EIS covered development in the commercial, residential, lodging, office, and institutional sectors through the end of 2014. A Supplemental EIS (SEIS) was completed in 2015, which analyzes residential, commercial, office, hotel, and other development through the end of year 2025.

The 2006 EIS & 2016 SEIS contain mitigation measures, primarily for transportation-related impacts. In 2007, the City Council adopted a Planned Action Ordinance that allowed projects in the Planned Action area to proceed through land use and building permitting without conducting independent environmental review (SEPA). A revised Planned Action Ordinance was adopted by the City Council in 2016.

Development within the Planned Action area will pay the required traffic impact fee as prescribed in Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) 19.91 and the adopted City fee schedule. Additional improvements could be required to meet the expected travel demand on area roadways associated with the proposed development in the project area. Development will need to meet the requirements of applicable codes at the time of application. Requirements might include the dedication of right-of-way; installing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; and drainage improvements. Additional mitigation may be required for individual development applications within the project area to reduce area traffic impacts, or improve on-site circulation and to meet City and state requirements for Commute Trip Reduction and Transportation Demand Management.

See below for the Draft and Final 2006 EIS and Draft and Final SEIS documents. Please contact the Community Development Department (253) 835-2607, or for additional information about the City Center Planned Action, its applicability to a potential project, mitigation measures, and permitting processes.

Final SEIS - Published December 30, 2015

Draft SEIS - Published October 16, 2015

​Original Final EIS - Published September 8, 2006

Original Draft EIS - Published June 26, 2006