The Human Services Commission is charged by the City Council to oversee the development of the city's human services program. There is an opportunity for public comment at each meeting. Meetings are subject to change, please check the city's weekly meeting calendar.
The commission is comprised of nine Federal Way residents appointed by the City Council (per FWRC 2.55.020). They make reports and recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding human services issues. As outlined by city ordinance and Federal Way Revised Code 2.55.040, commission duties include:
- Coordinating with other groups and human service planning agencies and organizations
- Determining priorities of human services needs in the city
- Developing and assessing human services in the city
- Evaluating and making recommendations on funding requests submitted to the city
- Evaluating and reviewing the performance of individual human service agencies
- Reviewing city actions which may affect the availability and quality of human service delivery in the city
- Nichelle Curtis-McQueen
- Gordon Bock
- Don Palumbo
- Vacant, Position 4
- Vacant, Position 5
- Mary Schultz
- Donna Arnold
- Betty Taylor
- Vivian Alexander
- Grace Ssebugwawo, Alternate
- Vacant, Alternate
- Vacant, Alternate
There is currently 2 vacant voting and 2 vacant alternate positions.
Meeting logistics:
- Time: 5:30 p.m.
- Date: The third Monday of each month.
- Location: Hylebos Conference Room, 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003.
- For virtual attendance: By request via email, a Zoom meeting invitation will be provided approximately 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Meeting agendas and packets:
To access current and past meeting agendas and packets, please select the following hyperlink: Meeting agendas and packets