About the Project

The City of Federal Way completed the Southwest King County Regional Trails Plan in Spring 2024. This plan identifies and presents a trail network to boost bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to transit and neighborhood jurisdictions, as well as recreation and transportation opportunities within the city.

The SW King County Regional Trails Plan presents an important and exciting opportunity for the City of Federal Way to achieve community and mobility goals. This project consisted of the following tasks:

  • Analyzed land use, transit, and the existing on- and off-street transportation network to identify gaps and needs in the multimodal trail network.
  • Identified corridors for accommodating multimodal travel in and around designated urban growth centers, as well as trail connectivity between Federal Way/SW King County and the northern and eastern parts of King County, as well as to Pierce County.
  • Developed preliminary design concepts and estimates for key routes.
  • Assembled the research, analysis, design, and recommendations in a plan that provides the City with information and strategies it needs to create a comprehensive trail network well positioned for grant funding.


SW King County Trails Plan

SW King County Trails Plan - Appendices A-G

SW King County Trails Plan - Appendix H