Curbside Service
WM provides garbage, recycling and food/yard waste collection for residents in Federal Way. Residents can choose to sign up with Waste Management for curbside services, or self-haul garbage to one of the King County Transfer Stations. Curbside containers range from 20 gallons to 96 gallons. Garbage service includes unlimited curbside recycling- save money by downsizing your garbage and recycling more! Weekly yard & food waste is also available for around $11 per month.
Current Residential Garbage Rates
New customers can sign up for curbside service by calling WM at 253-833-3333.
Annual Bonus Curbside Pickup
All WM Federal Way residential garbage customers will receive a free bulky item collection. Once per year, customers can schedule a pickup of up to three bulky items plus up to 15 additional bags of garbage. Collection must be scheduled in advance and will occur on your regular service day. Visit WM for details, then call 253-833-3333 to order service.
Pickup Schedule
Garbage and yard & food waste carts are picked up weekly, year-round. Recycling is collected every-other-week, which reduces labor and equipment costs. Collection days are on your regular garbage day, but your service week will vary by neighborhood. To learn your specific schedule, please contact WM at 253-833-3333 or your online WM account, use the WM app, or look up service dates on the Residential Garbage and Recycling Map.
Weather-Related Service Delays
Visit WM's Service Alerts to see if bad weather or road conditions delay collection services in your neighborhood. If your garbage, recycling, or yard & food waste was not collected, please remove your containers from the curb that evening. Double set-outs of garbage and yard & food scraps will be collected on your regularly scheduled collection day the following week. Of course, there are no "extra" charges for up to double your regular container volume due to weather delays. Review tips for double set-outs following a weather delay on WM's Service Alerts webpage. (Hint: keep a few sturdy plastic bags handy in case of snow and ice.)
Self-Haul Options for Trash & Recycling
You can take garbage (and some recyclables) to King County Transfer Stations (fees may apply).
- Bow Lake Recycling and Transfer Station, 18800 Orillia Rd S, Tukwila - Garbage, recycling and yard waste
Algona Transfer Station, 35315 W Valley Hwy S, Algona - Garbage only
Garbage and Recycling Resource Guide
The City produces a variety of educational materials for residents. View the materials in the link below or contact for printed versions.
Residential Garbage and Recycling Resource Guide