Downloading and Viewing
Below you will find pre-made maps that are available for free download as well as links to additional resources. Pre-made maps are in portable document format (PDF) and can be viewed using a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat.
For information on a specific property's boundaries, please reference self-mapping applications such as King County's iMap and property search tool. Easement and other property inquiries can be directed to the Land Use Department.
Plat maps are available at the Permit Counter at City Hall. Assessor maps are available from the King County Assessor's Office.
Federal Way Streets and ROWRight-of-Way, with all streets labeled. (36" X 48") |
Parks & Recreation
Coming soon!
Community Development
Annexation HistoryHistory of Annexations in Federal Way since 1994. (36" X 48") |
Comprehensive PlanCitywide Comprehensive Plan classifications and special conditions. (36" X 48") |
Current Land UseCitywide Land Use classifications (36" X 48") |
ZoningCitywide zoning classifications and parcels. (36" X 28") |
Shoreline DesignationsCitywide Shoreline Environment Designations (36" X 48") |
Environmentally Sensitive AreasCitywide Environmental Sensitive Areas (36" X 48") |
Public Works
Average Daily TrafficTraffic Volumes at various locations throughout the City (36" X 48") |
Snow Plow RoutesPriority routes for snowplow service (8" X 11") |
Pavement OverlayPavement overlay for paving Right-of-Ways (36" X 48") |
Street Sweeping RoutesScheduled routes for street sweeping (36" X 48") |