An informative banner with information on the Spring CERT Basic Course over a picture of the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Hellens

Spring 2025 CERT Basic Course Wednesday Evenings, April 9 - June 4 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. 

Sign up here: Email or Call Sharon Green at or 253-835-2712 

The Greater Federal Way Community Emergency Response Team (GFW CERT) provides residents of the Greater Federal Way Community with disaster preparedness skills to protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors, and the skills and organizational structure to respond to the immediate needs of the community, supporting first responders in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Everyone is invited to join the GFW CERT.

Build an emergency "Go Bag"

Train on search and rescue

Train on search and rescue


Regular meetings are the first and third Wednesday of each month - Everyone is welcome to attend. 

From 6:00 to 8:00pm

On the first floor of City Hall

In the Patrick Maher Room

Unless otherwise noted.  


Contact Information:

GFW CERT Program Manager:

Kevin Pelley

City of Federal Way Emergency Manager 



For more information on the CERT program, visit FEMA at CERT Basic Training | Disaster Skills & Community Preparedness ( 

