Volunteers Needed!
The City of Federal Way is looking for volunteers to help keep the Puget Sound clean! Volunteering to pick up litter, mark storm drains, or sample water are all important needs to support a cleaner and brighter Federal Way! If you are interested in getting involved, email SWM@cityoffederalway.com
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contact swm@cityoffederalway.com
Drainage Systems
By using simple housekeeping practices around your work and home, Federal Way residents, business owners, and employees can help prevent polluted rainwater from reaching our local waterways, such as Steel Lake, Hylebos Creek, and the Puget Sound. But first, it's important to understand the difference between Federal Way's two drainage systems.
Sewer: The sanitary sewer system carries household wastewater from sinks, showers, and toilets to the Lakota sewage treatment plant.
Storm Drain: The storm drain system prevents flooding by carrying rainwater away from city streets into nearby ponds, wetlands, creeks, and lakes. This water is not treated, which is why it's important that only rain goes down the drain!
Pollutants & Stormwater
Rain falls on our roofs and streets and picks up what it touches, like oil from the road, yard chemicals, and pet waste. This polluted water goes down storm drains and flows into our waterways. There is no treatment of filter. This polluted water can be highly toxic to our fish and wildlife.
Actions that reduce pollution in stormwater, and improve the quality of our water resources, are called best management practices (BMPs). Learn more about the BMPs you can use every day to help prevent rainwater pollution and keep our surface waters healthy and clean!
Car Washing | Natural Yard Care | Don't Drip and Drive | Scoop the Poop |
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Free Spill Kits
The City of Federal Way offers one FREE spill kit to qualifying local businesses to get started in protecting the waterways. For more information and to request a kit, visit Free Spill Kit Program (uqr.to).
Storming the Sound with Salmon
Each year, the City of Federal Way partners with Federal Way Public Schools to raise and release thousands of juvenile Coho salmon. To learn more about this program and potential volunteer opportunities to support salmon in schools, visit Storming the Sound with Salmon | City of Federal Way (federalwaywa.gov).