The City of Federal Way provides and supports community recycling options and activities that go beyond regular garbage and recycling services. These include Recycling Events, Green Living Workshops, Repair Cafes, and more!
Recycling Events
The City typically holds free recycling events for residents to drop off items that are not usually collected curbside, including tires, confidential documents, electronics, styrofoam, and more. Please view the Recycling Events page for scheduled events.
Repair Cafes
The City is partnering with the South King Tool Library and King County EcoConsumer program to offer free Repair Cafes where skilled "fixer" volunteers will help repair damaged or broken household items including electronics, furniture, and clothing! Over 85% of the items brought to events are fully repaired on-site!
Shredding Events
The City is coordinating free monthly shredding events with local organizations to help residents dispose of confidential documents in a secure and environmentally-friendly way. Full list of events and details are located on the Office of the Attorney General Community Shred website.
Green Living Workshops
The City sponsors free workshops on Green living topics such as composting, gardening, rain barrels and more! Workshops are continually bein added, so check the schedule for topics, dates, and locations. Green Living Workshops