Comprehensive plans are the centerpiece of local planning efforts. The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan articulates a series of goals, objectives, policies, actions, and standards that are intended to guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and local government staff. It is a document designed to guide future actions that impact the community. It presents a 20-year vision for the future, with long-range goals and objectives for activities that help ensure the city grows in a planned way. This includes guidance on land use, transportation, housing, and other critical topics.

Plan by Chapters



The City of Federal Way accepts applications for map and text amendments to the comprehensive plan annually for consideration. The Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) allows comprehensive plan amendments only one time per year. Any interested person, organization, agency, or business may submit suggestions, proposals, or requests to the city for changes to the comprehensive plan maps and/or text.

To submit a request for a comprehensive plan amendment, applications need to be submitted by September 30th to be considered for the following year. In advance of applying, a preapplication meeting with city staff is required. For procedures and application materials, see our Land Use Applications & Informational Handouts page.