Factor Weight Given
1. Responsiveness of the SOQ to the 30%
purpose and scope of services.
2. Ability and history of successfully completing contracts 30% of this type, meeting projected deadlines, experience in similar work.
3. Approach to working in a support role understanding the
Cityβs goal is to complete the civil engineering design in-house. 30%
4. References, key personnel. 10%
Total Criteria Weight 100% Each SOQ will be independently evaluated on factors 1 through 4.
β’ The names of individuals from those firms who will be working on the project and their areas of responsibility.
β’ Specific experience of individuals relative to the proposed project.
β’ A proposed outline of tasks, products and project schedule, including the number of hours required to complete each task or product.
β’ The hourly labor charge rate of personnel you anticipate will be working on any public contract.
β’ References.
IYou are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Feb 22, 2022 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: Pre-Submittal Meeting - SR99@373rd RAB
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The City intends to complete the design of this project with in-house engineering staff. However, the City has a need for support service engineering, including traffic analysis, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Channelization Plan and Basis of Design documentation, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) of the roundabout and roadway design, and related professional support services, including environmental documentation, right-of-way services, geotechnical, and construction management for the State Route 99 at S 373rd St Roundabout Project. More specifically, this project will include a 2-lane roundabout, median control, Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA), storm drainage, street lighting, signage, striping and pavement markings, pedestrian crossing, utility relocation/replacement as necessary.